Ricardo Danyalgil lives in Fundão and Luís Leão in Paços de Ferreira. Both entrepreneurs and winners of the Speed ​​UP award from the Desafios 5.0 project
Now they join forces in search of an increasingly digital and sustainable world.
The Bluelink project technology, created by Ricardo, is committed to digitizing products and ensuring their transparency and improvements in order to contribute to a more ethical, sustainable and responsible future.
In turn, Luis, founder of FOZ Furniture, is committed to creating a minimalist, quality collection, where the pieces are designed with simplicity in mind but with the differentiation factor that makes the pieces unique and distinct in any space.
It was in London, during Decorex, that these two projects carried out their partnership where blockchain technology was incorporated as a document of modifications to the Royce Sideboard piece, thus establishing a new standard in the industry.

Thanks to Bluelink technology, each piece of furniture from FOZ Furniture can be associated with a unique name, code or key, which is permanently registered on a blockchain network, ensuring that the information is not altered or deleted.

Congratulations on the entrepreneurial and resilient spirit that shaped your personal and professional journey!

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